Since the establishment of Govt. General Degree College at Kalna-1 in2015, Department of Philosophy is engaged in spreading the knowledgeamongst the society. Presently, the department offers UG withspecialization (Honours) only, but UG with general course in philosophy isexpected to commence from upcoming academic session.Much of what is learned in philosophy can be applied in virtually anyendeavor. This is both because philosophy touches so many subjects and,especially, because many of its methods can be used in various fields.Philosophy contributes uniquely to the development of expressive andcommunicative powers. It provides some of the basic tools of selfexpression, here the faculty members train the students’ to develop skillsin presenting ideas through well-constructed, systematic arguments.The department houses a dynamic mix of personnel having experienceand expertise in various avenues of Philosophy who extend a hand ofsupport and provide access to various hands-on experiences andopportunities to enhance learning process.The main motto of the Department has always been to help our studentsto learn to become ‘human’ first and to achieve this, we strongly believe,the knowledge in Philosophy would definitely be one of the bestweapons. To enrich the learning experience the Department hasupgraded its library with various text and reference books on Philosophyand related subjects from various authors.
Courses offered:
B.A 4 year Hons. Program with major in Philosophy
B.A 3 year Degree Program with major in Philosophy